Tuesday, March 29, 2011


  For those who are intrigued by foreign  films, cartoons, French, or politics, this movie and series of books is for you. The graphic novel, Persepolis, is the creation for the cartoon-movie in which Marjane faces hardships living in Iran through the 1970's and her years to come as politics and war surround her. The movie is a fascinating film around the true story within the novel. I, personally love both the read and the watching of Persepolis.

Side effects may include:
crying, laughing, emotional perioding, feminism, hardcore French-speaking, bra-stuffing, and intense smelling of Jasmine.


The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo

A good book for any day is the Swiss-to-English trilogy by Stieg Larsson. The first in the series is The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo. I highly recommend reading this before the American version of the movie is released. With great detail and spectacular writing skills, Larsson pushed the par for great story-telling. Revolving around a 24-year-old bad-ass, Lisbeth faces a hard time living in Sweden and solving a crime from decades before. The book is a sensational read for anyone (ages 13 and older) and if you don't it will linger in your mind for years to come, filling you with regret and dread, and the odds that you will be attacked by a ninja in a cowboy hat will increase. Be aware, be safe, be a fan and read this book!