Monday, September 26, 2011


 Touchy subject; Pirating. Its becoming increasingly popular with the internet opening every door known to man. Google can work wonders with the right person behind the keyboard. Finding college books for free online is but a button away. Nowadays you don't even have to actually download movies onto your computer to watch them. You can easily find any movie (including those still in theaters) on a pirating-based website. I'm not condoning any of this, just bringing it into the limelight. I'm trying to make people using the internet aware of the world they live in. Be wise with your resources and know your limits.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The 90's

  So, the 90's. Not the best decade, but a good one. Better than the 80's by far, and better than the decade that started out the new millennium. The movies, the shows, the cartoons, and of course, the most memorable... The music. Grunge, punk, Blink 182, Nirvana, Blind Melon, and so many others. The Crow, SNL, Ren and Stempy,  people actually skate boarded, not just jumped on a flat piece of wood. Oh, the fond memories of the decade. The generation. The children of the 90's were raised by those of the 70's; and who doesn't love them? We were children raised right. We had Rug Rats, As Told by Ginger, Nintendo, Freddie Prinze Jr., Sega, Harry Potter, working internet. Here's a proposal for those joining the revolution: Attempt to pay homage for the remainder of the year. Try and relive the 1990's for the next few months. Enjoy the music, the movies, the humor. Its a small task, but you'll be amazed how easy it is and how much you'll enjoy it!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Blink-182/ My Chemical Romance: Honda Civic Tour 2011

  I literally just got home from a great concert with fabulous performances by My Chemical Romance and Blink-182 with their Honda Civic tour as it was coming through Cleveland, Ohio. Starting the concert at 7 p.m. with opening band Matt & Kim (Kim on drums and Matt on keyboard, the two being from Brooklyn) with short songs and performances that, though they may not have been my taste, were very talented and perform well live. Following this new band was the ever-famous My Chemical Romance. The band opened immediately with their new alum, Danger Days' hit song, Na Na Na; after which they played older songs from their previous albums, including: Teenagers, Helena, Cancer, and I'm Not Okay. The band puts on a fabulous performance and sound great live.

  Post-MCR was, of course the headlining band on tour for the first time since their split in 2005, Blink-182. The band, while promoting their new album 'Neighborhoods' (which continues to show why the band is so popular, sticking to their awesome sound and songs), performed as we all remember from previous concerts before the trio had parted ways 6 years ago. Tom, Mark, and Travis, of course, acted up between songs, entertaining the audience with crude jokes and the mannerism we all grew up with and adore out of the band and their live shows. They started off their stage time with Feeling This, and kept the performance upbeat with some of their older stuff from their first hit albums, like Dammit, Family Reunion, What's My Age Again, and of course, All The Small Things. The three showed off their seriousness with their early 2000's songs such as Stay Together For the Kids, I Miss You, Violence, and Down. Midway through their show, famed and talented drummer, Travis Barker, was given the stage for his well-known solo where he awed the crowed with his skills and jam. The lights that were done for the show, as always, suited the band perfectly, being flashy, loud, and seizure-causing. The finale for the group was none other than their hilarious tune made from the inspiring and late George Carlin, Family Reunion; a minute-long song where Carlin's "7 words you can't say on television" are recited in rhythm with their music.
  All in all, the show was terrific and I recommend seeing the 2 bands live whenever possible. Both were astounding on stage and gave a great presence. The audience walked away tired, deaf, mute, sweaty, sore, and still excited and "smiling from ear to ear." Blink-182, My Chemical Romance, great job out there and thank you so much for it. I know I wont soon forget this experience and it was the performances that made it all worth while. They exceeded my extremely high expectations with flying colours and I'm sure they wont disappoint you.

-Yours Truly

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Get it?

"Statistically... 9/11 Americans wont get this joke."

Star Trek vs Star Wars

   This blog, I am going to need some help with. So, I am a huge Star Wars fan. My husband, is a born Trekkie. I want to know what my avid readers have to say. Let's visit both sides of the argument, shall we?

Star Wars
Now who doesn't know what the force is? "May the force be with you." We first learned about the force from George Lucas when he introduced us to Luke Skywalker- a great Jedi human from the planet Tatooine- in the first of many great films. The cast and characters are all unforgettable, with Han Solo, famed for his amazing piloting skills and his Millennium Falcon (fastest ship in the galaxy, regardless of its status as a YT-1300 freighter) , Princess Leia of Alderaan, Chewbacca the Wookiee from Kashyyk, Yoda, and many more. Who doesn't know "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..."? Even in popular culture today, references are being made to Star Wars; whether threw parodies or satire. Need I mention the bias that Family Guy, alone, shows towards the Epic Saga? Besides, this amazing story isn't a plot-less  run-around of episodes, it is an Epic Saga, which just makes it sound even more awesome. 

Star Trek 
Captain Kirk is the most famous character from this very popular television show which first aired in 1966. Yes, before the popularity of space helped create Star Wars nearly 10 years later. Now, of course, everyone idolized William Shatner's famous character James T. Kirk for his wildly popular way with the ladies of space in the series. Everyone is familiar with the ever-popular Starship Enterprise (though it would never win against Solo's ship with him in the cockpit). Star Trek even has its own hand sign included with the phrase "Live long and prosper." 

Star Wars 
These films, unlike the continuous episodes of Star Trek, have an amazing plot behind them about politics, love, learning who you are, and how important it is to go to the Degobah system. These movies have had some of  the biggest and most bad-ass names in Hollywood go through the sets; Samuel L. Jackson, Christopher Lee, Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, and Ewan McGregor. Not to mention the original cast of Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, and Harrison Ford. Even the music within the movie is famous. George Lucas actually created the worlds, galaxies, creatures and people that were portrayed in the series of films that lasted for generations. The latest of the films was done in 2005, nearly 30 years from the original Episode IV- A New Hope. That is a long time to keep creating more in-depth story to an already wildly famous original. Plus, its far less dorky to wear Sith under-roos than it is (if you can find them) to wear Kirk under-roos. Who doesn't enjoy the joke behind Darth Vader's face on shirts, underwear, and pillows?

  At this time, review the truths behind the two legendary pieces. Try to take in the information and understand that I am going on more that just popularity here, but also plot, characters, and what the two of them offer. So, please, feel free to comment and let me know where you stand in the on-going great debate of Star Wars vs Star Trek. Thank you, and remember, May The Force Be With You!

Thoughts of the MMOr

  So, gamers, as I tend not to cover such things as games and enternet entertainment, I figured I would enlighten my readers on how to follow such  blogs without going too far from home (which as we all know is right here in my cozy little den) so without going out into the sun (it burns us) im going to connect you to, in my opinion (which as we all know is most important), one of the best and rant-iest blogs iv found online. For those of you who are into MMO, follow my wisdom and go to the link at the bottom of this post (and if you disagree with any of my blogs, feel free to blog about it). But I find that this blog is the bloggiest when it comes to game blog. I know that the wide range of media i cover, this is not in my resume. Check this guy out. Enjoy!

                             * I heard you liked blogs, so i blogged in my blog on how you like to blog so that you can read my blog about how you like to blog in you blogs. Blog about me.*

Friday, September 9, 2011

Recommendation of the Day

 DBZ Abridged 
Yes, this show is available online and entertaining for all! Complete with Pokemon characters, hilarious dubbing, great editing, and yes, stupid sh*t you will be quoting for every occasion for your entire life. This show is a funny, edited version of Dragon Ball Z Kai and will make you die with laughter. Check out Team Four Star and become a fan today!

U.S. ArmMe

  Today's youth are so one-sided now a days are they not? Is this due to lack of intellect? Is it being sheltered? No. This is our education system. We all know how subliminal messages and repetition can influence people. Our school systems no longer advertise options like college or trade schools. Ads for military are now displayed on every wall, the ASVAB is as mandatory in many high schools as Phys. Ed. or English class. Seems like their kind of pushing towards one side of the spectrum huh? Today, if you ask high school students what they intend to do after graduation, more than you'd believe say they want to join the military. In this economy and with the constant phone calls and news letters people get at home from the Army, Navy, and Marines and such, you can hardly blame them when there are no jobs hiring and the military advertises free money (until you read the fine print). Many of the men who are sucked into this are proud of the life they have, but in all honesty, 9 out of 10 will not recommend that lifestyle to anyone; especially those in a relationship.
  This post is coming to you from a proud military wife. Understand, though, I am very proud of my husband who is currently serving with the U.S. Army in Afghanistan, but I, in no way, agree with the military. (Ironically, our outdoor wedding featured a bare-foot bride in a flower crown and a groom in Army Greens). No, I'm not a "hippie" but I do not believe in the military. The men are strong and get great training but at the expense of their life (both living and having a real life) for years at a time. I understand why they did it, though, but the military is sick for what it does to children who barely reach legal adulthood. Brainwashing youth with false hope is inhumane, in my opinion. Stripping people of their rights and freedom and family is a torture as serious as kidnapping and rape (mind, rape in this case). They train these men and women to buff themselves up and trust them and detach themselves from their lives.
  I find it sad that people get trapped by this. Regardless of what you decide to do, career-wise, in the Army, they give you that training, then hand you a M14 and send you to sand, disregarding what you chose to train in and what your skills are. I am proud of my husband and of every man and woman who have giving their lives on hold and lost them for the military, and of every military spouse who is strong enough to stand with them and support them, as you all know and understand firsthand what I say. Thank you all for your sacrifices  and hard work. Be safe and be strong. I love you honey.

-Yours Truly

Thursday, September 8, 2011


  People, it's time to get out sh*t together. We are a generation going nowhere slowly. W have contributed to nothing and take pride in this. We pat ourselves on the back that when the word "politics" (or any variation of the word) is used we wear a dumb look and are ignorant. We shine brightest when we are told we have no potential and prove that we can do nothing on our own but procreate early on and are fully aware of what welfare can do for a teenage mother of 3. This generation of graduates shows no bounds when it comes to stupidity, publishing it for all the world to see. We are weak. We are pathetic. It is time for us to grow a pair and make a change for ourselves! No more burnouts! The end of living in our parents' home until we're 30! I hear so many of us talking about how we want everything for nothing, and though this has been said before, we strive to do this!
  I am sad to claim a generation that has so much knowledge at the tips of their fingers (literally), yet could care less about having any kind of potential and intelligence! We have books online, we have libraries, we have f*cking Wikipedia! We have years and years of intellect right in front of us, but, though we don't work, we don't leave the house, and we sit in front of computers all day, we still learn absolutely nothing! We are a spoiled generation that is spiraling in taste, education, and respect for anything that doesn't have Lady F*cking  Gaga's face on it! You Google 'revolution' and a video game is nearly the only option. That's sad! What are we turning into?
  16-year-olds use their daddy's credit card to buy a mustang before they even know how to drive. Kids at 8 getting smart phones. Families hitting bankruptcy because the kids have no respect and refuse to take no for an answer. That's what's wrong with this economy! Its ignorant people spending money that they do not and will not have. When this generation finally gets b*tch-slapped in the face by real life, they are so soft from being such brats that they either slump back down on the sofa, take the easy way and join the military, or the choice few that stay standing and run at life head-on yelling "COME AT ME BRAH!" But, good luck with finding that last one. All of us have a chance to go to college and learn everything there is to know by others who did just that. A lot of us drop out because we know we can and take advantage of that fact. Most of us don't care to know anything and can't hold a stimulating conversation if their next CoD game depended on it.
  I think its time to embrace what we have in this day and age. Technology, job opportunities, the chance to, literally, know everything. Stop the redundant slouch. Grunge was good and all, but its over. And hell, that era had some education behind it, true talent, and the care to use it. The hippies at least took part in their world. We are violent for no reason. Peace is a term used as slander. We are so stuck on being better than each other and trying to prove it yet we are all laying in a pile on the same ground level with no signs of movement. Pills have made us weak. Mentally we are disintegrating. This nation is at the mercy of our people!  The 50's are over; Ignorance is no longer Bliss. If you see what I see; If you feel as I feel, then Help Me! Stop clinging to your "youth", stop making excuses for why you are a lazy bum who knows nothing about the world around you, stop whining about how nothing is free while you're living with your parents, not paying rent, and having them buy your cigarettes. Stop  sucking on the teet and JOIN THE REVOLUTION!
  * I Am Revolution*   

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


   "On this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace soubriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous."

  That's right folks, one of the best political films of our time. V for Vendetta, though older at this point in time, i feel is still a great representation of politics in a sophisticated view. With stars such as Natalie Portman (as the main actress and pupil of this story),Hugo Weaving(as he continuously faceless, masked main character leading a much needed revolution), Stephen Fry and John hurt, with directing talents from James McTeigue, this gave look at a supposed not-so-distant future in which a corrupt government is brought to light to the English public by a victim of its cruelty, seeking justice and vengeance, is a fabulous work deserving recognition.
  The astounding screenplay and acting dramatizes this intriguing story to a fault and deserve memorization and praise for its exibt of art. I know I can quote it. Pay it tribute and watch this film, which, unlike any other, will never burn you out. 
                                                         Viva La Revolution!

                                          "Remember, remember the 5th of November"

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream

  My recommendation for today is...  Hunter S. Thompson's brilliant book (later adapted to film in 1998; staring Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro) is an astounding trip into the mind of a 1971 mind of a junkie of wide variety. It incorporates historical facts with a twisted plot and incredible references. The book is an autobiography on Thompson's "drug orgy" through Las Vegas with his drug-crazed attorney.
  This book is a mind-crippling adventure with Thompson as he discloses his thoughts throughout his trip. The novel is complete with outstanding illustrations  by Ralph Steadman.

  Amazingly enough, the film adaptation meets the high expectations through great narration and Grade A acting; with Johnny Depp as Raoul Duke (Thompson's main character persona) and Benicio Del Toro costarring as his high-stung attorney, Dr. Gonzo. It includes a line-up of cameos such as Gary Busey, Tobey Maguire. Christina Ricci, and Cameron Diaz, and  fabulous directing from Terry Gilliam, who did a stupendous job recreating the book and doing it justice.
  The novel is a great read for older generations to reminisce and for the young to learn a thing or two about the time before them, rather than remaining ignorant of history and lazing through the day. The book is entertaining, accurate, and in some instances, educational. I loved it and recommend it to everyone. Besides, who doesn't enjoy a funny autobiography about drugs and a city that everyone knows for its insanity?

-Yours truly.