Saturday, September 10, 2011

Star Trek vs Star Wars

   This blog, I am going to need some help with. So, I am a huge Star Wars fan. My husband, is a born Trekkie. I want to know what my avid readers have to say. Let's visit both sides of the argument, shall we?

Star Wars
Now who doesn't know what the force is? "May the force be with you." We first learned about the force from George Lucas when he introduced us to Luke Skywalker- a great Jedi human from the planet Tatooine- in the first of many great films. The cast and characters are all unforgettable, with Han Solo, famed for his amazing piloting skills and his Millennium Falcon (fastest ship in the galaxy, regardless of its status as a YT-1300 freighter) , Princess Leia of Alderaan, Chewbacca the Wookiee from Kashyyk, Yoda, and many more. Who doesn't know "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..."? Even in popular culture today, references are being made to Star Wars; whether threw parodies or satire. Need I mention the bias that Family Guy, alone, shows towards the Epic Saga? Besides, this amazing story isn't a plot-less  run-around of episodes, it is an Epic Saga, which just makes it sound even more awesome. 

Star Trek 
Captain Kirk is the most famous character from this very popular television show which first aired in 1966. Yes, before the popularity of space helped create Star Wars nearly 10 years later. Now, of course, everyone idolized William Shatner's famous character James T. Kirk for his wildly popular way with the ladies of space in the series. Everyone is familiar with the ever-popular Starship Enterprise (though it would never win against Solo's ship with him in the cockpit). Star Trek even has its own hand sign included with the phrase "Live long and prosper." 

Star Wars 
These films, unlike the continuous episodes of Star Trek, have an amazing plot behind them about politics, love, learning who you are, and how important it is to go to the Degobah system. These movies have had some of  the biggest and most bad-ass names in Hollywood go through the sets; Samuel L. Jackson, Christopher Lee, Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, and Ewan McGregor. Not to mention the original cast of Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, and Harrison Ford. Even the music within the movie is famous. George Lucas actually created the worlds, galaxies, creatures and people that were portrayed in the series of films that lasted for generations. The latest of the films was done in 2005, nearly 30 years from the original Episode IV- A New Hope. That is a long time to keep creating more in-depth story to an already wildly famous original. Plus, its far less dorky to wear Sith under-roos than it is (if you can find them) to wear Kirk under-roos. Who doesn't enjoy the joke behind Darth Vader's face on shirts, underwear, and pillows?

  At this time, review the truths behind the two legendary pieces. Try to take in the information and understand that I am going on more that just popularity here, but also plot, characters, and what the two of them offer. So, please, feel free to comment and let me know where you stand in the on-going great debate of Star Wars vs Star Trek. Thank you, and remember, May The Force Be With You!

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