Thursday, September 8, 2011


  People, it's time to get out sh*t together. We are a generation going nowhere slowly. W have contributed to nothing and take pride in this. We pat ourselves on the back that when the word "politics" (or any variation of the word) is used we wear a dumb look and are ignorant. We shine brightest when we are told we have no potential and prove that we can do nothing on our own but procreate early on and are fully aware of what welfare can do for a teenage mother of 3. This generation of graduates shows no bounds when it comes to stupidity, publishing it for all the world to see. We are weak. We are pathetic. It is time for us to grow a pair and make a change for ourselves! No more burnouts! The end of living in our parents' home until we're 30! I hear so many of us talking about how we want everything for nothing, and though this has been said before, we strive to do this!
  I am sad to claim a generation that has so much knowledge at the tips of their fingers (literally), yet could care less about having any kind of potential and intelligence! We have books online, we have libraries, we have f*cking Wikipedia! We have years and years of intellect right in front of us, but, though we don't work, we don't leave the house, and we sit in front of computers all day, we still learn absolutely nothing! We are a spoiled generation that is spiraling in taste, education, and respect for anything that doesn't have Lady F*cking  Gaga's face on it! You Google 'revolution' and a video game is nearly the only option. That's sad! What are we turning into?
  16-year-olds use their daddy's credit card to buy a mustang before they even know how to drive. Kids at 8 getting smart phones. Families hitting bankruptcy because the kids have no respect and refuse to take no for an answer. That's what's wrong with this economy! Its ignorant people spending money that they do not and will not have. When this generation finally gets b*tch-slapped in the face by real life, they are so soft from being such brats that they either slump back down on the sofa, take the easy way and join the military, or the choice few that stay standing and run at life head-on yelling "COME AT ME BRAH!" But, good luck with finding that last one. All of us have a chance to go to college and learn everything there is to know by others who did just that. A lot of us drop out because we know we can and take advantage of that fact. Most of us don't care to know anything and can't hold a stimulating conversation if their next CoD game depended on it.
  I think its time to embrace what we have in this day and age. Technology, job opportunities, the chance to, literally, know everything. Stop the redundant slouch. Grunge was good and all, but its over. And hell, that era had some education behind it, true talent, and the care to use it. The hippies at least took part in their world. We are violent for no reason. Peace is a term used as slander. We are so stuck on being better than each other and trying to prove it yet we are all laying in a pile on the same ground level with no signs of movement. Pills have made us weak. Mentally we are disintegrating. This nation is at the mercy of our people!  The 50's are over; Ignorance is no longer Bliss. If you see what I see; If you feel as I feel, then Help Me! Stop clinging to your "youth", stop making excuses for why you are a lazy bum who knows nothing about the world around you, stop whining about how nothing is free while you're living with your parents, not paying rent, and having them buy your cigarettes. Stop  sucking on the teet and JOIN THE REVOLUTION!
  * I Am Revolution*   

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