Sunday, October 2, 2011

Life, Or Something Like It

  In this day and age, living is a difficult thing to star and even still to continue. We go through high school and think about dropping out or graduating and going to college. Other than that, we really have no care in the world other than what we're going to do about that late English assignment, how are we going to ask someone to prom.  But once we are out of high school, life hits us harder than a pillow sack of bricks. Some of us want to go to college; this includes: enrollment, attempting to apply for financial assistance or receiving a loan (if a scholarship isn't and option), or even working through school in order to pay for it. Some of us just go straight to work, usually at some cheap place that makes us work at minimum wage for irregularly-hard labor that does nothing much, financially to help support or starting our life.
  Today's economy and society does nothing much for a "life" for the recent generation that is beginning to be exposed to it. It, of course, doesn't help that things now cost more, such as food, housing, bills, cloths, and other necessities, while the price of the dollar goes down and we lack the opportunities to make much anyways. This is, of course, without habits and luxuries and entertainment that we like to support, like smoking cigarettes which continue to get more and more expensive (thanks Obama) or internet and movies, nice furniture, phones, tvs, etc. Life quality for the general population of America is getting lower and lower. Even the Upper Middle Class of the U.S. is showing a decrease in standards and capability to live in, what used to be considered, a decent quality. The family of soldiers, even those serving over seas in Iraq and Afghanistan, are proving to go through hard times. When a soldier serving in a war cannot support his family and himself, you know there is something significantly wrong.
  But at this, I leave you. I know most of you are already aware of what problems we are seeing arise more and more in this economy.

-Yours Truly

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